Can I Tell You a Story?

Written by Nicole Schrock - March 16 2020


Therese Fledderjohn
March 10 2021

First time customer. I am so happy that we found you. Your bread is soooooo good. Best bread I have had. Purchased for health reasons. You will definitely get our business. Thank you so much. Keep rock’n it!

March 10 2021

You bread is the best!!! After I found BB I no longer eat supermarket bread, I can’t even imagine going back to supermarket bread. I love everything about all your bake goods ❤️

Natalie Gobidas
March 10 2021

Thank-you for all you provide for us. My husband is diabetic and we are Italian. He loves pasta, pizza, etc. He can now eat all of this now because the carbohydrates release into his system at a much slower rate with your spelt flour. He can even eat dessert without worries for example your pumpkin bread amazing! Your crinkle cookies to die for! I make Mom’s buttermilk pancakes, Your pizza shells are amazing healthy for making quick meals or and your ginger snap cookies, your pasta’s are a staple in our pantry. Before I found you I had used many other spelt flours that did not compare to the quality of yours Thanks again, Natalie

Bob Dayhuff
March 10 2021

Thank you for the heart warming story, it was delightful to read and since I live in a town of under 1000 people I know what small town America looks like. This is where I grew up and was away for number of years and after retiring from my regular work place and my wife doing the same, we moved back to where I call home. If you stood on our front porch and looked across and to your right slightly you would see our home if it was still standing. I remember growing up with an outhouse and no hot water, so we had an oil stove that we used during the day and shut off at night to conserve fuel. Taking a bath in a pan in the sink for 12 years going to school was pretty rough according to today’s standards but we made it work with two brothers it was no easy task. So, thank you for being there for me, as we don’t have a freezer now so my orders have to be limited but I sure am looking forward and am on my last loaf of bread so looking forward to my next order..Love Bob from next door in Indiana…

Christel Fields
March 17 2020

Thank you for sharing such a positive outlook and uplifting story. My family has experienced similar hardships and come out of it stronger. These are the things we need to hear and think about.
Great products. Good company. God bless.

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