In Our Completely Unbiased Opinion! 😉
Greetings Berlin Natural Bakery Family -
As this summer comes to an end I hope you are left with lovely memories, moments of deep rest and excitement for the upcoming fall season and what all it holds!
This blog is going to be an even deeper look behind the curtain at Berlin Natural Bakery so buckle up because this may well read more like a diary entry than a blog.
The other day, I was in a meeting with my Mom and my twin brother and we were going over some marketing materials I had made and my Mom, out of nowhere said "I love this but I think we're missing the boat on something."
She then steps up on her mighty soapbox and begins preaching the GOOD NEWS about our Spelt breads!
And suddenly we find ourselves in a conversation about how we feel after we eat a slice of our Spelt bread. She describes how differently she is able to tackle her Pilates workouts if she's eating our bread - our ancient grain, complex carbs. Even a single slice makes a difference in her strength and endurance!
I start talking about how I look forward to my midday toast every single day, even when it is as simple toasted with butter. To me, it truly doesn't matter the variety. Every loaf of Spelt bread we make has me looking forward to toast! I personally weight train early in the morning and have really made sure my carbs are clean and make me feel good and I have never had a single doubt about my Spelt carbs.
Then my brother starts talking about how he would put our bread up next to every single loaf of bread sold out there with the confidence of knowing it is superior. No doubts whatsoever. And he agrees, a single slice of our Spelt breads goes waaaaaay further for him than any other bread out there.
So I guess this blog is to say, we stand upon our reputation for purity and we solidly stand behind the quality of our breads. And to us, it's more than bread. It is the fuel that sustains us, upon which we build our own health.
I am sure this blog post is like preaching to the choir but it has just been something on my heart that I had to share.
We bake with the confidence of knowing our breads fill tummies super effectively, they fuel workouts and childhood playtime and they help to take the place of the less than desirable carbs out there.
And so ends our sermon on Spelt. Thank you for tuning in and I sure hope that with every bite of our bread you feel the difference a quality bread can make in your life! We'd love to hear about your personal experience so leave a comment below if you feel so compelled!
As always, thank you for taking this journey with me and my family!
Until next time,
The 3rd Generation of Berlin Natural Bakery
the little bakery that could! 🙂
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