Let's Talk About Spelt, baby! 🤓
Greetings Berlin Natural Bakery Family!
I posted my most recent blog to our social media channels like Facebook and Instagram and I LOVE that you all want to hear from me almost as much as I want to share with you! 🥰
Something I gathered from your comments is you would like to hear more about the health benefits of Spelt. I suppose I just assume everyone knows the benefits because it is pretty second nature for me but I am all about spreading the goods news about Spelt and providing a refresher for all of you who have been a part of the family for a while but forgotten the Spelt basics. 😇
So let's talk about Spelt! Spelt is an ancient grain. One of the top three most ancient grains in the world, actually, following closely after Einkorn and Emmer.
Spelt is a fickle little grain and anyone who has ever baked with it can tell you just how difficult it can be! The reason for its high maintenance nature is because it has not been hybridized to contain a TON of gluten like modern wheat has. 😳 This makes the gluten in Spelt more fragile. Think of it this way - the higher the gluten, the more predictable the outcome when baking. Since it is such a hard grain to work with (and nearly impossible to mass produce with) people tend to give up on it.... but not us! 💪
This is why, when someone asks me if Spelt is gluten free, I reply with "No, it's gluten different!" The gluten in Spelt is water soluble, making it easier to digest compared to modern wheat. When chewed, the gluten in Spelt actually breaks down compared to the gluten in wheat which gets stronger.
Let's pivot to health benefits. Spelt contains more protein than modern wheat(s) but that's not all. Spelt contains a number of vitamins and minerals such as B1, B3, B6, Vitamin E, Calcium, Iron, Selenium and Zinc. It also contains a solid amount of fiber and essential amino acids making it a powerhouse in the bread world! 🤩
With this type of nutritional profile, there are a variety of health indicators that may be improved by consuming Spelt regularly! Such as reduced blood pressure, improved cholesterol levels, better digestion, reduced risk of diabetes, improved weight management and overall heart health.
I like to think of our Spelt bread as like the support system to other foods especially since most people don't eat it plain. I think of it as a solid starting base and lovely tool to help add a variety of foods to your diet. Plainly said, there is nothing I won't put on a slice of Spelt toast! A few of my favorites include: jams, hummus, eggs, sautéed veggies, yogurt, fruit, olives, sliced bananas, tomatoes, avocado, mushrooms and on and on and on! Add any of these items to a nutrition packed slice of Spelt bread and WOW! You've got yourself a well balanced treat. 🥑🍅🍌🫐🍓🥒🍳🫑🍯
I really want this information packed blog to focus solely on Spelt but in one of my upcoming blogs, I will dive into the science behind Sourdough and why the Sourdough process can aid even further in easing the digestion of gluten - particularly Spelt gluten.
I know this was a BUNCH of information but hopefully my commentary made it a little more exciting to read! I'll continue preaching on the benefits of Spelt but if there are any other subjects out there you would like me to cover, let me know in the comments!
It is always such a pleasure to interact with you all and to hear what's on your hearts and minds.
As always, thank you for taking the journey with me and my family!
Until next time,
The 3rd Generation of Berlin Natural Bakery
the little bakery that could! 🙂
Want to read more: check out this incredible article called "Spelt and the Many Shades of Gluten Reactivity" I would have copied and pasted the whole article if I could have! 😉