Retailer Story: Dan and Ann Berndt of The Supplement Station
Attention: Be sure you read all the way to the end of The Supplement Station Retailer Story! The Supplement Station has customized limited time special offer for you at the bottom of this post. The limited time offer ends September 6th and you definitely don’t want to miss it!
"Get On Board For Good Health!"
Nancy Holmes
By Marsha Bonecutter All aboard! Next stop, Health and Wellness! Dan and Ann Berndt, owners of The Supplement Station, at 1139 East Pidgeon Road in Salem, Ohio, have been passengers on the wellness train for many years. Ann pursued her deep-seated passion for health and healing by entering into nurses training right out of high school. She worked as a delivery room nurse and then for a doctor in private practice. During that time she met and married her husband, Dan.
Kris Evert and Julie Singleton...Sprouted Biblical, yum!
Dan had many diverse interests that resulted in several businesses over the years, including, car washes, an auto parts store, farms and a feed store—to name a few. One such venture was largely responsible for Dan becoming a staunch advocate of supplements and natural remedies. The couple had purchased a herd of beef cattle. All was well for awhile—then disaster struck. The cows began calving too early, and then dying. The calves also died. Local veterinarians were consulted and then state vets were called in, but no one could find a solution. It was almost miraculous when a salesman approached the Berndts with a supplement that he swore their cows would eat and would eliminate the problem. “I was amazed,” said Ann, “the cows practically fought over the feed supplement, and they got better!” “As it turned out,” she explained, “the cows rumen (stomach) bacteria were dead and they could not digest their food, so they were actually starving with full stomachs.” It was a hard lesson to learn, but it led Dan and Ann to open a feed store handling, among other products, the supplement that cured their cows, which was a mineral with “live yeast culture” or the equivalent of probiotics. Eventually, the couple sold the very healthy herd of cattle and chalked the hard learned lesson up to experience.
Ann Berndt and Sandy Roberts in the “Vitamin Room”
Some years later, the Berndts became involved in a multi-level company selling vitamins to their friends. “We were taking grape seed extract for health issues and were being helped,” explained Ann, “we were also selling to our friends, but the prices kept going up, so we decided to go direct to a manufacturer to get better prices.” This turned out to be a very good decision for Ann. “We were shocked at how much less a good quality product was when not purchased through multi-level.” At that time, Dan was operating an auto parts and oil business in Salem. “We started buying a few vitamins and selling them in one corner of the store,” recalls Ann, “we wanted to see if there was enough need for such a business in town. Soon, people started coming in and wanting more and more products, so we opened as a health food store in 2000.” The Supplement Station, so called because their first location was beside a railroad track, now has three rooms to serve the folks in and around Salem. The “vitamin room” has an unprecedented assortment of vitamins, herbs, other supplements and homeopathic remedies including Baxyl, Silver Biotics, Poison Ivy Relief, Kidney Formula and Graviola. Whatever your health issues are, you are sure to find what you need here. Make-up, shampoo, lotion, soap and even toothpaste and toothbrushes can be found in the “health and beauty” room. Of course, these products are all natural and homeopathic. Check out this room for all of your personal care needs. Not for women only, there are personal care items for men also.
*******The Supplement Station Special Offers*******
20% Off All Berlin Natural Bakery Products (Including Noodles)
20% Off KingBio Poison Ivy Relief
20% Off Bragg Vinegar quarts
Supplement Station Brand Vitamin D-3 10,000 IU 60 day supply
Reg $12.99 Sale $9.99
Supplement Station Brand Vitamin D-3 50,000 IU 60 day supply
Reg $17.99 Sale $12.99
To take advantage of these specials please mention this article to the checker by saying “I saw the article on Berlin Natural Bakery’s website” to get the discount on your selected products!